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Radius is a predictive B2B marketing platform that helps businesses identify, attract and convert potential customers. The platform uses predictive analytics and machine learning to analyze customer behavior and attribute data to identify the most promising leads and target marketing efforts accordingly.

A key feature of Radius is its ability to identify the most promising leads based on data-driven insights. This can help companies prioritize their marketing efforts and focus on the most valuable opportunities. The platform also offers tools for segmenting and targeting leads based on specific characteristics or behaviors, enabling companies to tailor their marketing efforts to specific audience segments.

In addition to these predictive marketing capabilities, Radius also offers marketing automation tools that help businesses streamline and automate marketing tasks and workflows. This can include email marketing, social media marketing and content marketing, as well as analytics and reporting tools to help companies measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Overall, Radius is a powerful predictive B2B marketing platform that offers a range of features and tools to help businesses identify, attract and convert potential customers. The data-driven approach helps companies effectively prioritize and target their marketing efforts, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.