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Benchmark Email
Benchmark Email
Benchmark Email
Benchmark Email

Reach your audience and attract new customers with the best email marketing powered by AI tools, marketing automation, landing pages and more.

Artificial intelligence tools that help you automate your email marketing.

Turn your ideas into original email copies in just one click with Smart Content, and rest easy knowing you're achieving maximum deliverability with Smart Sending.

Easily showcase your products to grow new and repeatable sales.

Emails are mobile responsive, easily branded and ready to grow your subscribers.

Build your subscriber list with forms, popups, and landing pages.

Easily add contacts to Benchmark Email from your favorite platforms.

Email automation keeps communication clear and timely. Convertake more subscribers to customers with reach tailored to their needs.

With our tools you can test, measure and optimize campaigns. So simple that anyone can see an improvement in their email marketing results.